Our Story with Dogs

Hi, my name is Devlin. In summary, I am:
          Indonesian Chinese (mixed Dutch), live in Singapore since 8yrs old.

          Now late 20s, married. 
          SGSS (closed), SJI, NJC and SMU education in Singapore.
          Triple Science track, International Trading and Finance major
          (I do not consider myself having high intelligence, I even failed Pri 1...
          But I am a fanatic hardworker and having delusional unrealistic expectations of myself)

          Turned down a lucrative trading job as I hated corporate world
          (Really, I don't see meaning in life by making rich people richer with money)
          But I love to make the rich AND the not-rich-yet people happier!
          Manage family biz of import chemicals and export spices. 
          I make and sell dog shampoo, board dogs and passionate on doing them!
          3 dogs in Singapore +13 dogs in Indonesia
          Passion: Dogs, Travel, Photography, Helping people

People have been asking me how we manage dogs
By People, I mean friends and strangers. Questions about dogs include:
          Fight with each other? Ans is No
          Pee and poo all over the house? Ans is again No
          How we keep the house clean and not smelly?
          How we feed them, what we feed them?
          How we wash them? Which groomer?
          How we maintain their health?

But at the back of their minds, they are thinking:
Gees this guy gotta be filthy rich to afford many dogs.
Well I am living comfortably, no denying that, but it does not cost us much to take care of dogs. In fact, we spend about S$70/month for our 3 dogs in Singapore.

Or they are very curious on how I manage the 3 dogs cos their one and only dog is already giving them a lot of headaches and expensive grooming and vet bills.

So I always answer them honestly whatever we do with regards to our dogs.
From grooming, nutrition, toilet matters... Everything.
They are amazed and sometimes could not believe that the tips I share are actually so simple and cost effective!

Then i told them that 2 of 3 of our dogs are actually adopted and that we are blessed with good karma after that. My wife won a furniture lucky draw worth about $7,000 after our first adoption, and our business quadrupled after our 2nd adoption! What goes around comes around.
That got some people excited to adopt dogs. Haha.

I am Catholic and my wife is Buddhist but we both believe the laws of Karma.

In fact, when we meet with other dog adopters, they too believe their lives are enriched after adopting a dog. A few said they are enriched financially just like we were , but all of them admitted they experience a happier family. So indeed somehow the Divine up there does reward people who are kind to animals.

So this blog we created because we wanna do good.
We wanna make an impact on people and their dogs.
We wanna enrich your lives with happiness.
We hope you guys watching our videos are enlightened by our tips and benefit from learning and applying our tips.

I feel very happy and fulfilled when people actually tried our advice and thanked us after that. Cos i really like helping people and back in school, i am never the smartest kid, just slightly above avg and thats just cos i am  hardworking, but i get the kick out of helping my friends scoring well and sometimes better than me in exams. I feel a sense of accomplishment in helping people that is much greater than earning profits from businesses.

We are also humble enough to learn from you guys how we can better make our dogs' lives happier and more fulfilled.

I hope that through our tips, you guys would be able to have better relationship with your dogs and a happier life with your families.

I also encourage dog adoption, not just because of karma, but the situation is insane in Singapore. We have $2000-5000 dogs on sale by greedy pet shop owners on one side, and we have more than 1000 dogs abandoned to dog shelters. Most of these abandoned dogs were the same $2000-5000 price tags from pet shops. So paying a high price is not equal to having good behaviour dogs. They were abandoned because they were deemed as bad dogs or the owners could not pay the bills to maintain the dogs. Either way, I hope our tips could alleviate the situation. I hope people would not abandon their dogs and their dogs could be a part of their family.

I do not believe that we should place blind and total faith solely in somebody else like the government or authorities to magically solve the problems overnight. They can only do so much. I believe in taking personal responsibility, being proactive and take small baby steps to improve ourselves with dogs. A journey of thousand miles start with one step.

So please take the step to comment, like our videos, share them through Facebook or by telling your friends and family about our channel.

Some of you have dogs or planning to have dogs, that's great. These videos are relevant to you.
Some of you do not have dogs but your extended family members or your close friends have dogs. So please recommend them our videos.

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